Did you know you may be touching your face 20 times per hour (or more!)? And when you do, you often come into contact with a mucous membrane--ie, a point of entry for viruses and bacteria that cause illness. We LOVE this action-oriented, practical article that helps you put a stop to this unconscious and ingrained behavior.
According to the CDC, hand-washing is the number one way to rid oneself of disease-causing germs. Hand sanitizers containing at least 60% alcohol are a close second. But the recent coronavirus-induced run on all things anti-infective means that these products are sold out in most stores and online. Here is a recipe from The Oregonian on how to make your own hand sanitizer with aloe gel, essential oils (optional), and rubbing alcohol. Be sure to follow the recipe exactly to get the correct percentage for disinfecting your digits! Be aware that small children are not the best candidates for sanitizers, as they frequently put their hands into their mouths.
Common Sense Hand Hygiene
- Be aware of high-touch common surfaces (doorknobs, touch screens, pens, etc). After coming into contact with one of these, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds (sing the Happy Birthday song!).
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer while you’re out & about.
- Bring your own pen for banks, restaurants & stores.
- Cough & sneeze into the crook of your arm.
- Elbow-bump instead of a handshake. Let’s get a new trend going!
- Get a "face-touching" buddy at home and work so you can be alerted to this common, unconscious behavior.